CeLog Tools (Windows CE 5.0)

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CeLog Event Tracking provides several options for flushing the CeLog buffer and for viewing logged data.

The CeLog tools include two applications, CeLogFlush.exe and OSCapture.exe that flush the CeLog buffer contents to a log file. You can also use the Remote Kernel Tracker data transport layer to flush the buffer contents directly into Remote Kernel Tracker for graphical depiction.

In addition, CeLog includes two applications for viewing logged data, Remote Kernel Tracker and Readlog. Remote Kernel Tracker provides graphical can accept CeLog data directly, in real-time or from a fixed buffer. To access and use CeLog output for analysis or debugging in text format, you must copy the buffer contents to a file, and then translate the output into readable text using the Readlog Viewing Tool.

If none of these options supports the functionality you want, you use commands from the Target Control window, or create your own flush application.

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