Visual Studio 2013 Released
The latest release of our Visual Studio Product has just been released, 2013. With this release you will see some cool new features, including:
- Better support for multiple frameworks within one application, MVC, ASP etc
- Better integration with Azure Active Directory
- Responsive design features
- Better support for HTML5 and JavaScript frameworks
- Better cross-browser support
- Scaffolding across all project types.
- A new identity framework with support for using Azure Tables
- A new version of SignalR which adds real-time functionality to applications, with support for Android and iOS apps
- Entity framework improvements
Personally I love the improved integration with Azure AD which means you can easily create a cloud based identity provider for all of your applications, integrate this with On-Premise and you have simple SSO for LOB apps hosted in the cloud and internally.
I also like the fact that we can have multiple frameworks within a project, MVC, ASP.NET etc. Forcing one or the other meant that most developers chose MVC when it may not have been most appropriate. So think about a website that requires HTML5 responsive design (MVC) but does have some complex forms too.
I also like the ability to integrate Azure Tables into the identity provider, NoSQL is a better option for this type of data and means website developers don’t have to provision a RDBMS just for login data.
You can get more detail on all of the new features at Scott’s blog: