Performance Series | EP8, Kernel Memory Leaks. How IT Pros (SHOULD) Troubleshoot Slow PC's and Servers
In episode 8 we'll cover how to identify and troubleshoot memory leaks in the kernel virtual address space. I'll demo a system crash/lockup and then show what it looks like in perfmon, then expand on how to identify the offending pooltag in the kernel using poolmon.exe. We specifically focus on the nonpaged pool, the paged pool, and system PTE's as well as the pertinent counters that correlate with thresholds of each "bucket".
- Anonymous
June 05, 2015
to see what the tags do, you have to use ETW/xperf/xbootmgr/WPR from the Windows Performance Tools. The CM31 tag is used to load registry hives: - Anonymous
June 30, 2015
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