ChatCompletionsClient Class


The ChatCompletions service client.

public class ChatCompletionsClient
type ChatCompletionsClient = class
Public Class ChatCompletionsClient



Initializes a new instance of ChatCompletionsClient for mocking.

ChatCompletionsClient(Uri, AzureKeyCredential, ChatCompletionsClientOptions)

Initializes a new instance of ChatCompletionsClient.

ChatCompletionsClient(Uri, AzureKeyCredential)

Initializes a new instance of ChatCompletionsClient.

ChatCompletionsClient(Uri, TokenCredential, ChatCompletionsClientOptions)

Initializes a new instance of ChatCompletionsClient.

ChatCompletionsClient(Uri, TokenCredential)

Initializes a new instance of ChatCompletionsClient.



The HTTP pipeline for sending and receiving REST requests and responses.


Complete(ChatCompletionsOptions, Nullable<ExtraParameters>, CancellationToken)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data. The method makes a REST API call to the /chat/completions route on the given endpoint.

CompleteAsync(ChatCompletionsOptions, Nullable<ExtraParameters>, CancellationToken)

Gets chat completions for the provided chat messages. Completions support a wide variety of tasks and generate text that continues from or "completes" provided prompt data. The method makes a REST API call to the /chat/completions route on the given endpoint.

CompleteStreaming(ChatCompletionsOptions, CancellationToken)

Begin a chat completions request and get an object that can stream response data as it becomes available.

CompleteStreamingAsync(ChatCompletionsOptions, CancellationToken)

Begin a chat completions request and get an object that can stream response data as it becomes available.


Returns information about the AI model. The method makes a REST API call to the /info route on the given endpoint.


[Protocol Method] Returns information about the AI model. The method makes a REST API call to the /info route on the given endpoint.


Returns information about the AI model. The method makes a REST API call to the /info route on the given endpoint.


[Protocol Method] Returns information about the AI model. The method makes a REST API call to the /info route on the given endpoint.

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