Break.AlignAt Property


Index of Operator to Align To

Represents the following attribute in the schema: m:alnAt

[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(21, "alnAt")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue AlignAt { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue AlignAt { get; set; }
[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(21, "alnAt")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue? AlignAt { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue? AlignAt { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue? AlignAt { get; set; }
member this.AlignAt : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue with get, set
[<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(21, "alnAt")>]
member this.AlignAt : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue with get, set
member this.AlignAt : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue with get, set
Public Property AlignAt As IntegerValue

Property Value

Returns Int32Value.



The following information from the ECMA International Standard ECMA-376 can be useful when working with this class.

Specifies the index of the operator on the previous line, which shall be used as the alignment point for the current line. A line can be aligned to any operator on the previous line in the equation; this attribute specifies exactly which operator shall be the target of that alignment in cases where there are multiple operators.

For example, consider the break in this equation:


The second line could theoretically be aligned to any of the four operators in the previous line.

Specifying an alnAt value of 3 for the second line resolves this ambiguity; the second line is aligned to the third operator in the previous line.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Integer255 simple type.

Applies to