Io.writeExp(Object[]) Method


Writes the content of a container to the file.

 virtual bool writeExp(cli::array <System::Object ^> ^ _data);
public virtual bool writeExp (object[] _data);
abstract member writeExp : obj[] -> bool
override this.writeExp : obj[] -> bool
Public Overridable Function writeExp (_data As Object()) As Boolean



The container with data for the record.


true if the operation succeeded; otherwise false.


If this method returns false, check the status method for the cause. The entries in the container are treated as fields, and the container is treated as a full record. The field separator is defined in the outFieldDelimiter method. The record separator is defined in the outRecordDelimiter method.

The following example demonstrates the writeExp method.

static void testMethod(Args _args) 
    FileIOPermission _perm; 
    container c; 
    CommaIo myfile; 
    _perm = new FileIOPermission("myfile.txt","w"); 
    myfile = new CommaIo("myfile.txt","w"); 
    // Assign the entries in the container according to record layout. 
    c = [1,"MyText",1.324,"Last field"]; 
    // write this record according to file format (record/field delimiters). 

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