CoreEventId.NonDefiningInverseNavigationWarning Campo



Log message with this event Id has been removed.

Lo spostamento che InversePropertyAttribute punta a non è la struttura di spostamento che definisce.

public static readonly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId NonDefiningInverseNavigationWarning;
[System.Obsolete("Log message with this event Id has been removed.")]
public static readonly Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId NonDefiningInverseNavigationWarning;
 staticval mutable NonDefiningInverseNavigationWarning : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId
[<System.Obsolete("Log message with this event Id has been removed.")>]
 staticval mutable NonDefiningInverseNavigationWarning : Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventId
Public Shared ReadOnly NonDefiningInverseNavigationWarning As EventId 

Valore del campo



Questo evento si trova nella DbLoggerCategory.Model categoria .

Questo evento usa il TwoUnmappedPropertyCollectionsEventData payload quando viene usato con un oggetto DiagnosticSource.

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