HTMLTaskPaneExternal Interface


Represents a link to the Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 object model.

public interface class HTMLTaskPaneExternal
public interface HTMLTaskPaneExternal
type HTMLTaskPaneExternal = interface
Public Interface HTMLTaskPaneExternal


The HTMLTaskPaneExternal object is used to expose the InfoPath object model to the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) scripting code in a custom task pane. It provides a number of properties for accessing certain parts of the InfoPath object model, including the XDocument object and the WindowObject object.

HTMLTaskPaneExternal facilitates using the InfoPath object model within the scripting code that is part of a custom task pane. The object is exposed through the external property of the DHTML window object.



Gets a reference to the WindowObject object associated with a custom task pane.


Gets a reference to the XDocument associated with a custom task pane.

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