ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey.ToXmlString Metodo



ToXmlString and FromXmlString have no implementation for ECC types, and are obsolete. Use a standard import and export format such as ExportSubjectPublicKeyInfo or ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo for public keys and ExportPkcs8PrivateKey or ImportPkcs8PrivateKey for private keys.

Serializza la chiave pubblica ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey in una stringa XML.

 virtual System::String ^ ToXmlString();
 abstract System::String ^ ToXmlString();
public virtual string ToXmlString ();
[System.Obsolete("ToXmlString and FromXmlString have no implementation for ECC types, and are obsolete. Use a standard import and export format such as ExportSubjectPublicKeyInfo or ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo for public keys and ExportPkcs8PrivateKey or ImportPkcs8PrivateKey for private keys.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0042", UrlFormat="{0}")]
public virtual string ToXmlString ();
public abstract string ToXmlString ();
abstract member ToXmlString : unit -> string
override this.ToXmlString : unit -> string
[<System.Obsolete("ToXmlString and FromXmlString have no implementation for ECC types, and are obsolete. Use a standard import and export format such as ExportSubjectPublicKeyInfo or ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo for public keys and ExportPkcs8PrivateKey or ImportPkcs8PrivateKey for private keys.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0042", UrlFormat="{0}")>]
abstract member ToXmlString : unit -> string
override this.ToXmlString : unit -> string
abstract member ToXmlString : unit -> string
Public Overridable Function ToXmlString () As String
Public MustOverride Function ToXmlString () As String


Stringa XML contenente la chiave pubblica ECDH (Diffie-Hellman a curva ellittica) serializzata.



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