PolicyLevel.StoreLocation Proprietà


Ottiene il percorso di archiviazione del file di criteri.

 property System::String ^ StoreLocation { System::String ^ get(); };
public string StoreLocation { get; }
member this.StoreLocation : string
Public ReadOnly Property StoreLocation As String

Valore della proprietà


Percorso di archiviazione del file di criteri oppure null se l'oggetto PolicyLevel non prevede un percorso di archiviazione.


Il codice seguente illustra come visualizzare il percorso dell'archivio per un livello di criteri. Questo esempio di codice fa parte di un esempio più ampio fornito per la PolicyLevel classe .

// Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy for passed in evidence.
void CheckEvidence( Evidence^ evidence )
   // Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
   Console::WriteLine( "ResolvePolicy for the given evidence." );
   Console::WriteLine( "\tCurrent evidence belongs to the following code groups:" );
   IEnumerator^ policyEnumerator = SecurityManager::PolicyHierarchy();

   // Resolve the evidence at all the policy levels.
   while ( policyEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      PolicyLevel^ currentLevel = dynamic_cast<PolicyLevel^>(policyEnumerator->Current);
      CodeGroup^ cg1 = currentLevel->ResolveMatchingCodeGroups( evidence );
      Console::WriteLine( "\n\t{0} Level", currentLevel->Label );
      Console::WriteLine( "\t\tCodeGroup = {0}", cg1->Name );
      IEnumerator^ cgE1 = cg1->Children->GetEnumerator();
      while ( cgE1->MoveNext() )
         Console::WriteLine( "\t\t\tGroup = {0}", (dynamic_cast<CodeGroup^>(cgE1->Current))->Name );

      Console::WriteLine( "\tStoreLocation = {0}", currentLevel->StoreLocation );

// Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy for passed in evidence.
private static void CheckEvidence(Evidence evidence)
    // Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
    Console.WriteLine("ResolvePolicy for the given evidence.");
    Console.WriteLine("\tCurrent evidence belongs to the following code groups:");
    IEnumerator policyEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy();
    // Resolve the evidence at all the policy levels.
    while (policyEnumerator.MoveNext())

        PolicyLevel currentLevel = (PolicyLevel)policyEnumerator.Current;	
        CodeGroup cg1 = currentLevel.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence);
        Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + currentLevel.Label + " Level");
        Console.WriteLine("\t\tCodeGroup = " + cg1.Name);
        IEnumerator cgE1 = cg1.Children.GetEnumerator();
        while (cgE1.MoveNext())
            Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tGroup = " + ((CodeGroup)cgE1.Current).Name);
        Console.WriteLine("\tStoreLocation = " + currentLevel.StoreLocation);

' Demonstrate the use of ResolvePolicy for passed in evidence.
Private Overloads Shared Sub CheckEvidence(ByVal evidence As Evidence)
    ' Display the code groups to which the evidence belongs.
    Console.WriteLine("ResolvePolicy for the given evidence.")
    Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "Current evidence belongs to the following code groups:")
    Dim policyEnumerator As IEnumerator = SecurityManager.PolicyHierarchy()
    ' Resolve the evidence at all the policy levels.
    While policyEnumerator.MoveNext()
        Dim currentLevel As PolicyLevel = CType(policyEnumerator.Current, PolicyLevel)
        Dim cg1 As CodeGroup = currentLevel.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence)
        Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Tab + currentLevel.Label + " Level"))
        Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab + ControlChars.Tab + "CodeGroup = " + cg1.Name))
        Dim cgE1 As IEnumerator = cg1.Children.GetEnumerator()
        While cgE1.MoveNext()
            Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab + ControlChars.Tab + ControlChars.Tab + "Group = " + CType(cgE1.Current, CodeGroup).Name))
        End While
        Console.WriteLine((ControlChars.Tab + "StoreLocation = " + currentLevel.StoreLocation))
    End While

End Sub

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