DiscoveryClientProtocol.LoadExternals Metodo



This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery

Indica all'oggetto DiscoveryClientProtocol di caricare qualsiasi riferimento esterno.

 void LoadExternals();
[System.Obsolete("This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery", false)]
public void LoadExternals ();
[System.Obsolete("This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery", false)]
public void LoadExternals ();
[<System.Obsolete("This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery", false)>]
member this.LoadExternals : unit -> unit
[<System.Obsolete("This method will be removed from a future version. The method call is no longer required for resource discovery", false)>]
member this.LoadExternals : unit -> unit
Public Sub LoadExternals ()

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