DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.Keys Proprietà


Ottiene un oggetto ICollection con tutte le chiavi presenti nell'insieme DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.

 property System::Collections::ICollection ^ Keys { System::Collections::ICollection ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.ICollection Keys { get; }
member this.Keys : System.Collections.ICollection
Public ReadOnly Property Keys As ICollection

Valore della proprietà

Interfaccia ICollection contenente le chiavi dell'interfaccia DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.


DiscoveryClientProtocol^ myDiscoveryClientProtocol = gcnew DiscoveryClientProtocol;
myDiscoveryClientProtocol->Credentials = CredentialCache::DefaultCredentials;

// 'dataservice.disco' is a sample discovery document.
String^ myStringUrl = "http://localhost/dataservice.disco";

// Call the Discover method to populate the References property.
DiscoveryDocument^ myDiscoveryDocument = myDiscoveryClientProtocol->Discover( myStringUrl );

// Resolve all references found in the discovery document.
DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection^ myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection = myDiscoveryClientProtocol->References;

// Retrieve the keys in the collection.
ICollection^ myCollection = myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection->Keys;
array<Object^>^myObjectCollection = gcnew array<Object^>(myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection->Count);
myCollection->CopyTo( myObjectCollection, 0 );
Console::WriteLine( "The discovery documents, service descriptions, and XML schema" );
Console::WriteLine( " definitions in the collection are:" );
for ( int iIndex = 0; iIndex < myObjectCollection->Length; iIndex++ )
   Console::WriteLine( myObjectCollection[ iIndex ] );
DiscoveryClientProtocol myDiscoveryClientProtocol =
    new DiscoveryClientProtocol();
myDiscoveryClientProtocol.Credentials =

// 'dataservice.disco' is a sample discovery document.
string myStringUrl = "http://localhost/dataservice.disco";

// Call the Discover method to populate the References property.
DiscoveryDocument myDiscoveryDocument =

// Resolve all references found in the discovery document.
DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection =

// Retrieve the keys in the collection.
ICollection myCollection = myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.Keys;
object[] myObjectCollection =
    new object[myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.Count];
myCollection.CopyTo(myObjectCollection, 0);
Console.WriteLine("The discovery documents, service descriptions, and XML schema");
Console.WriteLine(" definitions in the collection are:");
for (int iIndex=0; iIndex < myObjectCollection.Length; iIndex++)
Dim myDiscoveryClientProtocol As New DiscoveryClientProtocol()
myDiscoveryClientProtocol.Credentials = _

' 'dataservice.disco' is a sample discovery document.
Dim myStringUrl As String = "http://localhost/dataservice.disco"

' Call the Discover method to populate the References property.
Dim myDiscoveryDocument As DiscoveryDocument = _

' Resolve all references found in the discovery document.
Dim myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection As DiscoveryClientReferenceCollection = _

' Retrieve the keys in the collection.
Dim myCollection As ICollection = myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.Keys
Dim myObjectCollection(myDiscoveryClientReferenceCollection.Count) As Object
myCollection.CopyTo(myObjectCollection, 0)

Console.WriteLine("The discovery documents, service descriptions, and XML schema")
Console.WriteLine(" definitions in the collection are:")
Dim iIndex As Integer
For iIndex = 0 To myObjectCollection.Length - 1
Next iIndex

Si applica a