StylusPointDescription.PropertyCount Proprietà


Ottiene il numero di proprietà in StylusPointDescription.

 property int PropertyCount { int get(); };
public int PropertyCount { get; }
member this.PropertyCount : int
Public ReadOnly Property PropertyCount As Integer

Valore della proprietà

Numero di proprietà in StylusPointDescription.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come ottenere le proprietà di ogni StylusPoint oggetto in un oggetto StylusPointCollection. In questo esempio si presuppone che sia presente un TextBlock denominato packetOutput.

private void WriteStylusPointValues(StylusPointCollection points)
    StylusPointDescription pointsDescription = points.Description;

    ReadOnlyCollection<StylusPointPropertyInfo> properties = 
    // Write the name and value of each property in
    // every stylus point.
    StringWriter packetWriter = new StringWriter();
    packetWriter.WriteLine("{0} stylus points", points.Count.ToString());
    foreach (StylusPoint stylusPoint in points)
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Stylus Point info");
        packetWriter.WriteLine("X: {0}", stylusPoint.X.ToString());
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Y: {0}", stylusPoint.Y.ToString());
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Pressure: {0}", stylusPoint.PressureFactor.ToString());

        // Get the property name and value for each StylusPoint.
        // Note that this loop reports the X, Y, and pressure values differantly than 
        // getting their values above.
        for (int i = 0; i < pointsDescription.PropertyCount; ++i)
            StylusPointProperty currentProperty = properties[i];

            // GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
            // name of the property.
            packetWriter.Write("{0}: ", GetStylusPointPropertyName(currentProperty));

    packetOutput.Text = packetWriter.ToString();
Private Sub WriteStylusPointValues(ByVal points As StylusPointCollection) 
    Dim pointsDescription As StylusPointDescription = points.Description
    Dim properties As ReadOnlyCollection(Of StylusPointPropertyInfo) = _
    ' Write the name and value of each property in
    ' every stylus point.
    Dim packetWriter As New StringWriter()

    packetWriter.WriteLine("{0} stylus points", points.Count.ToString())

    For Each stylusPoint As StylusPoint In points

        packetWriter.WriteLine("Stylus Point info")
        packetWriter.WriteLine("X: {0}", stylusPoint.X.ToString())
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Y: {0}", stylusPoint.Y.ToString())
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Pressure: {0}", stylusPoint.PressureFactor.ToString())

        ' Get the property name and value for each StylusPoint.
        ' Note that this loop reports the X, Y, and pressure values differantly than 
        ' getting their values above.
        For i As Integer = 0 To pointsDescription.PropertyCount - 1

            Dim currentProperty As StylusPointProperty = properties(i)

            ' GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
            ' name of the property.
            packetWriter.Write("{0}: ", GetStylusPointPropertyName(currentProperty))
        Next i


    Next stylusPoint

    packetOutput.Text = packetWriter.ToString()

End Sub
// Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
private string GetStylusPointPropertyName(StylusPointProperty currentProperty)
    Guid guid = currentProperty.Id;

    // Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    // that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    foreach (FieldInfo theFieldInfo
        in typeof(StylusPointProperties).GetFields())
        StylusPointProperty property = (StylusPointProperty) theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty);
        if (property.Id == guid)
            return theFieldInfo.Name;
    return "Not found";
' Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
Private Function GetStylusPointPropertyName(ByVal currentProperty As StylusPointProperty) As String 
    Dim guid As Guid = currentProperty.Id
    ' Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    ' that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    Dim theFieldInfo As FieldInfo

    For Each theFieldInfo In GetType(StylusPointProperties).GetFields()

        Dim pointProperty As StylusPointProperty = _
            CType(theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty), StylusPointProperty)

        If pointProperty.Id = guid Then
            Return theFieldInfo.Name
        End If

    Next theFieldInfo

    Return "Not found"

End Function 'GetStylusPointPropertyName

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