Point3D.GetHashCode Metodo


Restituisce un codice hash per questa struttura Point3D.

 override int GetHashCode();
public override int GetHashCode ();
override this.GetHashCode : unit -> int
Public Overrides Function GetHashCode () As Integer



Codice hash per questa struttura Point3D.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come ottenere il codice hash di una Point3D struttura.

// Gets the hashcode of a Point4D structure

Point4D point1 = new Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4);
int pointHashCode;

pointHashCode = point1.GetHashCode();

// Displaying Results
syntaxString = "pointHashCode = point1.GetHashCode();";
resultType = "int";
operationString = "Getting the hashcode of Point4D";
ShowResults(pointHashCode.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString);
' Gets the hashcode of a Point4D structure

Dim point1 As New Point4D(10, 5, 1, 4)
Dim pointHashCode As Integer

pointHashCode = point1.GetHashCode()

' Displaying Results
syntaxString = "pointHashCode = point1.GetHashCode()"
resultType = "int"
operationString = "Getting the hashcode of Point4D"
ShowResults(pointHashCode.ToString(), syntaxString, resultType, operationString)

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