WorkflowChanges.TransientWorkflow Proprietà


Restituisce un albero delle attività clonato al quale è possibile apportare modifiche e quindi applicarle all'istanza del flusso di lavoro in esecuzione.

 property System::Workflow::ComponentModel::CompositeActivity ^ TransientWorkflow { System::Workflow::ComponentModel::CompositeActivity ^ get(); };
public System.Workflow.ComponentModel.CompositeActivity TransientWorkflow { get; }
member this.TransientWorkflow : System.Workflow.ComponentModel.CompositeActivity
Public ReadOnly Property TransientWorkflow As CompositeActivity

Valore della proprietà

Classe CompositeActivity che contiene l'attività radice clonata per il flusso di lavoro.


Nell'esempio riportato di seguito viene illustrata l’aggiunta di attività alla proprietà TransientWorkflow. Questo esempio è tratto dall'esempio SDK Ordering State Machine. Per altre informazioni, vedere Ordering State Machine Sample.For more information, see Ordering State Machine Sample.

// Create a new instance of the WorkflowChanges class for managing
// the in-memory changes to the workflow
WorkflowChanges changes = new WorkflowChanges(root);

// Create a new State activity to the workflow
StateActivity orderOnHoldState = new StateActivity();
orderOnHoldState.Name = "OrderOnHoldState";

// Add a new EventDriven activity to the State
EventDrivenActivity eventDrivenDelay = new EventDrivenActivity();
eventDrivenDelay.Name = "DelayOrderEvent";

// Add a new Delay, initialized to 5 seconds
DelayActivity delayOrder = new DelayActivity();
delayOrder.Name = "delayOrder";
delayOrder.TimeoutDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5);

// Add a new SetState to the OrderOpenState
SetStateActivity setStateOrderOpen = new SetStateActivity();
setStateOrderOpen.TargetStateName = "OrderOpenState";

// Add the OnHoldState to the workflow
' Create a new instance of the WorkflowChanges class for managing
' the in-memory changes to the workflow
Dim changes As New WorkflowChanges(root)

' Create a new State activity to the workflow
Dim orderOnHoldState As New StateActivity()
orderOnHoldState.Name = "OrderOnHoldState"

' Add a new EventDriven activity to the State
Dim eventDrivenDelay As New EventDrivenActivity()
eventDrivenDelay.Name = "DelayOrderEvent"

' Add a new Delay, initialized to 5 seconds
Dim delayOrder As New DelayActivity()
delayOrder.Name = "delayOrder"
delayOrder.TimeoutDuration = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)

' Add a new SetState to the OrderOpenState
Dim setStateOrderOpen As New SetStateActivity()
setStateOrderOpen.TargetStateName = "OrderOpenState"

' Add the OnHoldState to the workflow

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