Professional services FAQs

Review the frequently asked questions about professional service offers for Microsoft AppSource or Azure Marketplace in Partner Center.

Can a partner sell professional services outside of the US, UK, or Canada?

No, the partner must have a seller ID in the US, UK, or Canada in order to sell professional services on Marketplace. To set up a new seller ID for Marketplace, see Create a commercial marketplace account in Partner Center.

Can a partner sell to customers outside of the US, UK, or Canada?

No. Customers must have a billing account with a sold-to address in the US, UK, or Canada in order to purchase professional services on the Marketplace. Many customers have a billing account in the US even if they do business in other countries or regions, so work with your customer to identify an appropriate billing account ID to transact with.

When will this capability be available outside of the US, UK, or Canada?

We plan to enable this capability globally, but timelines aren't available at this time.

How do professional services get taxed?

Professional services get taxed using the same tax policies that exist today for other Marketplace products: Tax details for Microsoft commercial marketplace. When you publish your offer, you're prompted to select the category that your service falls under (Assessment, Briefing, Customer support, Implementation, Migration, Proof of concept, or Workshop). Each category has its own tax code. We don't disclose the rate for each category.

If my professional service falls under multiple categories, which category do I choose when I publish?

The category you select during offer publish dictates the tax code that is assigned to your service. If your service could apply to multiple categories, choose the category that is most relevant. We don't disclose the rate for each category.

Can I sell services that are worth more than 10% of the total deal?

The professional service can be any value, but it must be published and sold using the Professional Service offer type. You can't include services as a part of a software offer, such as software as a service (SaaS).

Are professional service transactions eligible for Azure benefits?

No, professional services aren't Azure benefit-eligible. Professional service purchases don't count towards a customer's Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC).