The STICKYKEYS structure contains information about the StickyKeys accessibility feature. When the StickyKeys feature is on, the user can press a modifier key (SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT) and then another key in sequence rather than at the same time, to enter shifted (modified) characters and other key combinations. Pressing a modifier key once latches the key down until the user presses a non-modifier key or clicks a mouse button. Pressing a modifier key twice locks the key until the user presses the key a third time.
typedef struct tagSTICKYKEYS {
DWORD cbSize;
DWORD dwFlags;
- cbSize
Specifies the size, in bytes, of this structure. - dwFlags
A set of bit-flags that specify properties of the StickyKeys feature. The following bit-flag values are defined:Value Meaning SKF_AUDIBLEFEEDBACK If this flag is set, the system plays a sound when the user latches, locks, or releases modifier keys using the StickyKeys feature. SKF_AVAILABLE If this flag is set, the StickyKeys feature is available. SKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY Windows 95/98, Windows 2000: A confirmation dialog appears when the StickyKeys feature is activated by using the hot key. SKF_HOTKEYACTIVE If this flag is set, the user can turn the StickyKeys feature on and off by pressing the SHIFT key five times. SKF_HOTKEYSOUND If this flag is set, the system plays a siren sound when the user turns the StickyKeys feature on or off by using the hot key. SKF_INDICATOR Windows 95/98, Windows 2000: A visual indicator should be displayed when the StickyKeys feature is on. SKF_STICKYKEYSON If this flag is set, the StickyKeys feature is on. SKF_TRISTATE If this flag is set, pressing a modifier key twice in a row locks down the key until the user presses it a third time. SKF_TWOKEYSOFF If this flag is set, releasing a modifier key that has been pressed in combination with any other key turns off the StickyKeys feature. SKF_LALTLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left ALT key is latched. SKF_LCTLLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left CTRL key is latched. SKF_LSHIFTLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left SHIFT key is latched. SKF_RALTLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right ALT key is latched. SKF_RCTLLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right CTRL key is latched. SKF_RSHIFTLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right SHIFT key is latched. SKF_LALTLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left ALT key is locked. SKF_LCTLLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left CTRL key is locked. SKF_LSHIFTLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left SHIFT key is locked. SKF_RALTLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right ALT key is locked. SKF_RCTLLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right CTRL key is locked. SKF_RSHIFTLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right SHIFT key is locked. SKF_LWINLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left Windows key is latched. SKF_RWINLATCHED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right Windows key is latched. SKF_LWINLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The left Windows key is locked. SKF_RWINLOCKED Windows 98, Windows 2000: The right Windows key is locked.
An application uses a STICKYKEYS structure when calling the SystemParametersInfo function with the uiAction parameter set to SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS or SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS. When using SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS, you must specify the cbSize member of the STICKYKEYS structure; the SystemParametersInfo function fills the remaining members. You must specify all structure members when using the SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS value.
If you call SystemParametersInfo with the SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS value, the following flags are ignored:
** Windows NT/2000/XP:** Included in Windows NT 3.5 or later.
** Windows 95/98/Me:** Included in Windows 95 or later.
** Header:** Declared in Winuser.h; include Windows.h.