AppointmentItem.GetRecurrencePattern Method (Outlook)
Returns a RecurrencePattern object that represents the recurrence attributes of an appointment.
expression .GetRecurrencePattern
expression A variable that represents an AppointmentItem object.
Return Value
A RecurrencePattern object that represents the recurrence attributes of an appointment.
If there is no existing recurrence pattern, a new empty RecurrencePattern object is returned.
When you work with recurring appointment items, you should release any prior references, obtain new references to the recurring appointment item before you access or modify the item, and release these references as soon as you are finished and have saved the changes. This practice applies to the recurring AppointmentItem object, and any Exception or RecurrencePattern object. To release a reference in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) or Visual Basic, set that existing object to Nothing. In C#, explicitly release the memory for that object. For a code example, see the topic for the AppointmentItem object.
Note that even after you release your reference and attempt to obtain a new reference, if there is still an active reference, held by another add-in or Outlook, to one of the above objects, your new reference will still point to an out-of-date copy of the object. Therefore, it is important that you release your references as soon as you are finished with the recurring appointment.
This Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example uses CreateItem to create an AppointmentItem object. The RecurrencePattern is obtained for this item using the GetRecurrencePattern method. By setting the RecurrencePattern properties, RecurrenceType, PatternStartDate, and PatternEndDate, the appointments are now a recurring series that occur on a daily basis for the period of one year.
An Exception object is created when one instance of this recurring appointment is obtained using the GetOccurrence method and properties for this instance are altered. This exception to the series of appointments is obtained using the GetRecurrencePattern method to access the Exceptions collection associated with this series. Message boxes display the original Subject and OriginalDate for this exception to the series of appointments and the current date, time, and subject for this exception.
Public Sub cmdExample()
Dim myApptItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim myRecurrPatt As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Dim myDate As Date
Dim myOddApptItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim saveSubject As String
Dim newDate As Date
Dim myException As Outlook.Exception
Set myApptItem = Application.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
myApptItem.Start = #2/2/2003 3:00:00 PM#
myApptItem.End = #2/2/2003 4:00:00 PM#
myApptItem.Subject = "Meet with Boss"
'Get the recurrence pattern for this appointment
'and set it so that this is a daily appointment
'that begins on 2/2/03 and ends on 2/2/04
'and save it.
Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern
myRecurrPatt.RecurrenceType = olRecursDaily
myRecurrPatt.PatternStartDate = #2/2/2003#
myRecurrPatt.PatternEndDate = #2/2/2004#
'Access the items in the Calendar folder to locate
'the master AppointmentItem for the new series.
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
Set myApptItem = myItems("Meet with Boss")
'Get the recurrence pattern for this appointment
'and obtain the occurrence for 3/12/03.
myDate = #3/12/2003 3:00:00 PM#
Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern
Set myOddApptItem = myRecurrPatt.GetOccurrence(myDate)
'Save the existing subject. Change the subject and
'starting time for this particular appointment
'and save it.
saveSubject = myOddApptItem.Subject
myOddApptItem.Subject = "Meet NEW Boss"
newDate = #3/12/2003 3:30:00 PM#
myOddApptItem.Start = newDate
'Release references to the appointment series
Set myApptItem = Nothing
Set myRecurrPatt = Nothing
'Get the recurrence pattern for the master
'AppointmentItem. Access the collection of
'exceptions to the regular appointments.
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
Set myApptItem = myItems("Meet with Boss")
Set myRecurrPatt = myApptItem.GetRecurrencePattern
Set myException = myRecurrPatt.Exceptions.Item(1)
'Display the original date, time, and subject
'for this exception.
MsgBox myException.OriginalDate & ": " & saveSubject
'Display the current date, time, and subject
'for this exception.
MsgBox myException.AppointmentItem.Start & ": " & _
End Sub