LookupTables Members

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Includes fields and methods for values of the default Project Server lookup tables.

The LookupTables type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LookupTables Initializes a LookupTables object.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetRelativeImportanceComplement Gets the GUID of the complement (the additive inverse) of the relative importance.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member INVALID_LT_NAME_CHARS Gets invalid characters for lookup table names.
Public methodStatic member IsTextMaskSequence Determines whether one of the text mask sequence values is used.
Public methodStatic member IsValidProjectImpact Determines whether the specified project impact GUID is a valid value.
Public methodStatic member IsValidRelativeImportance Determines whether the specified GUID for relative importance is a valid value.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member ANY_LENGTH_SEQUENCE Specifies that any length for a code mask sequence is acceptable.
Public fieldStatic member COST_TYPE_LT_UID GUID of the Cost Type lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member DEPARTMENTS_LT_UID GUID of the Departments lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_COOKIE_LEN Maximum length of a lookup table cookie.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN Maximum length of a lookup table description.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_LEN_LT_NAME Maximum length of a lookup table name.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_LEVEL Maximum number of levels in a hierarchical text lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_PHONETICS_LEN Maximum length of the phonetics in a text lookup table item.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_SEPARATOR_LENGTH Maximum length of a separator in a code mask.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_VALUE_LEN Maximum length of a text lookup table item.
Public fieldStatic member MIN_LEVEL Minimum number of levels in a hierarchical text lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member MIN_VALUE_LEN Minimum length of a text lookup table item.
Public fieldStatic member NO_SORT_ORDER Specifies the default sort order for a lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_EXTREME_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for extreme impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_EXTREME_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for extreme impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_EXTREME_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for extreme impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_EXTREME_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the extreme impact item in the internal impact lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_LOW_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for low impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_LOW_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for low impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_LOW_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for low impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_LOW_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the low impact item in the internal impact lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_LT_UID GUID of the internal Project Impact lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_MODERATE_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for moderate impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_MODERATE_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for moderate impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_MODERATE_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for moderate impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_MODERATE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the moderate impact item in the internal impact lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_NONE_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for no impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_NONE_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for no impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_NONE_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for no impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_NONE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the no impact item in the internal impact lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_STRONG_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for strong impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_STRONG_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for strong impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_STRONG_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for strong impact.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_STRONG_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the strong impact item in the internal impact lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_STATE_APPROVED_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Approved item in the project State lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_STATE_LT_UID GUID of the project State lookup table, upgraded from Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_STATE_PROPOSED_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Proposed item in the project State lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_STATE_REJECTED_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Rejected item in the project State lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RBS_LT_UID GUID of the RBS lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EQUAL_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for equal importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EQUAL_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for equal importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EQUAL_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for equal importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EQUAL_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Equal item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for extreme – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for extreme – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for extreme – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_LESS_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Extreme - Less item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for extreme – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for extreme – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for extreme – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_EXTREME_MORE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Extreme - More item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_LT_UID GUID of the Relative Importance internal lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for moderate – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for moderate – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for moderate – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_LESS_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Moderate - Less item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for moderate – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for moderate – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for moderate – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_MODERATE_MORE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Moderate - More item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for strong – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for strong – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_LESS_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for strong – less relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_LESS_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Strong - Less item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_BACK_COLOR Default background color for strong – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_FORE_COLOR Default foreground color for strong – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_MORE_LT_DEFAULT_WEIGHT Default weight for strong – more relative importance.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_STRONG_MORE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Strong - More item in the Relative Importance lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member ReportingLookupTableMemberNotSetUid GUID of the Not Set item for lookup table data in the Reporting database.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_BLANK_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Not Specified item in the Health lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_BLOCKED_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Blocked item in the Health lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_COMPLETED_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Completed item in the Health lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_EARLY_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Early item in the Health lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_LATE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the Late item in the Health lookup table.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_LT_UID GUID of the Health lookup table for the Health task custom field.
Public fieldStatic member TASK_HEALTH_ON_SCHEDULE_LT_STRUCT_UID GUID of the On Schedule item in the Health lookup table.


See Also


LookupTables Class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library Namespace