SPMobileMessageServiceProvider Members

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Provides information about a mobile message service provider (MSP).

The SPMobileMessageServiceProvider type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPMobileMessageServiceProvider(Exception) Initializes a new instance of the SPMobileMessageServiceProvider class by using the specified exception.
Public method SPMobileMessageServiceProvider(String) Initializes a new instance of the SPMobileMessageServiceProvider class by using the specified XML.



  Name Description
Public property AuthenticationType Gets a value that specifies the type of authentication, if any, that the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service is using.
Public property BatchSize Gets the maximum number of messages that the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service allows in batch mode.
Public property EnglishName Gets the English name of the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service.
Public property ErrorCode Gets a value that specifies whether the request to the Web service failed and, if so, how it failed (Inherited from SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.)
Public property ErrorText Gets details about the exception, if any, thrown when a request was made to the Web service. (Inherited from SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.)
Public property IsValid Gets a value that indicates whether the response is valid. (Inherited from SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.)
Public property LocalName Gets the name of the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service in the language of the culture where the service is hosted.
Public property Name Gets the name of the provider of the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service.
Public property ServiceUrl Gets the SSL URL of the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service.
Public property SignUpPage Gets the URL of the page where customers sign-up for the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service.
Public property SmsSender Gets an object that represents the limits imposed by the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service on Small Message Service (SMS) messages, such as maximum number of characters.
Public property TargetLocale Gets the LCID of the language-culture where the Office Mobile Service (OMS) messaging Web service is hosted.
Public property Xml Gets the XML returned from the Web service in response to a request. (Inherited from SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.)



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ParseWorker Populates the properties of the response object with values from the specified XML received from the Web service. (Overrides SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.ParseWorker(String).)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Validate Verifies that certain parts of the response from the Web server, such as the XML namespace, are valid. (Overrides SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.Validate().)



  Name Description
Protected field m_Namespace Gets or sets the namespace of the XML returned by the Web service. (Inherited from SPMobileMessageServiceResponse.)


See Also


SPMobileMessageServiceProvider Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileMessage Namespace