SPMobileMessageSmsBuilder.AddChunk Method

Adds text to the message that the sender prefers to keep together if the message as a whole must be split because it exceeds the size limitation of the messaging service provider.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileMessage
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public Function AddChunk ( _
    chunk As String _
) As Boolean
Dim instance As SPMobileMessageSmsBuilder
Dim chunk As String
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = instance.AddChunk(chunk)
public bool AddChunk(
    string chunk


Return Value

Type: System.Boolean
true if chunk is not an empty string; otherwise, false.


Exception Condition

chunk is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


If chunk itself exceeds the size limits, it will be split anyway.

One or more calls of this method constitute the middle part of a text message building transaction. The transaction begins with a call of StartTextMessage(). The final part of the transaction is a call of EndTextMessage().

See Also


SPMobileMessageSmsBuilder Class

SPMobileMessageSmsBuilder Members

Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileMessage Namespace