SP.FeatureCollection.add(featureId, force, featdefScope) Method

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

Adds a feature to the collection with the specified feature ID and scope.

var value = SP.FeatureCollection.add(featureId, force, featdefScope);


  • featureId
    The ID of the feature to add.

    It must not be null.

Type: SP.Guid

  • force
    Specifies whether to overwrite an existing feature with the same feature identifier. This parameter is ignored if there are no errors.

Type: Boolean

  • featdefScope
    The feature scope for this feature. It must have the value of SP.FeatureDefinitionScope.site or SP.FeatureDefinitionScope.farm.

Type: SP.FeatureDefinitionScope

Return Value

Type: SP.Feature

Applies To

SP.FeatureCollection Class

See Also


SP.FeatureCollection Methods

SP.FeatureCollection Properties

SP Namespace