DiagnosticsDataNamespaceFactory |
This class defines the existing names for our diagnostics data. Our diagnostics data names are organized in the namespace format as xx.xx.xx. |
LogFileEntry |
Represents the entry that is entered into the SharePoint logs. Contains information about the event that occurred and its description. |
SPDatabaseServerDiagnosticsPerformanceCounterProvider |
The timer job that collects performance counter information from the database server that the installed SharePoint instance is connected to. |
SPDiagnosticDataStore |
An abstract class represents the data store contains the scope and nvp pair data. The method here defines what operations the store should support |
SPDiagnosticsBlockingQueryProvider |
Looks for and records SQL Queries that are blocking other SQL queries in all databases in the system. |
SPDiagnosticsData |
A Name/Value pair to represent the data inside the scope. |
SPDiagnosticsDataService |
The service provides the correlated diagnostics data |
SPDiagnosticsEntry |
Provides a base class diagnostics entry point. |
SPDiagnosticsEventLogProvider |
Represents a diagnostic provider which listens for NT Events and outputs them to Usage database. |
SPDiagnosticsMetricsProvider |
SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounterProvider |
Provides methods and properties for interacting with the Windows Performance Monitor logs and inherits from the SPDiagnosticsProvider class. |
SPDiagnosticsProvider |
Represents a base class for diagnostic providers that collect diagnostic information and output that information to a logging database. |
SPDiagnosticsProviderCollection |
Represents a collection of diagnostics providers whose job is to collect diagnostics information and outputs them to Logging Database. |
SPDiagnosticsProviderJobDefinition |
Represents a job definition associated with a diagnostics provider. |
SPDiagnosticsSqlDmvProvider |
Queries the SQL dynamic management views for statistics about queries. |
SPDiagnosticsSqlMemoryProvider |
Queries the SQL dynamic management views for statistics about queries. |
SPDiagnosticsSqlProvider |
Provides methods and properties for working with a SQL-based diagnostics log. |
SPDiagnosticsULSProvider |
Represents a diagnostic provider which watches the ULS trace log and saves high level data to the logging database. |
SPEventCollectionSetting |
SPGeneralPerformanceCategoryDefinition |
General definition for an arbitrary category and its counters. It stores the counter names and instance names for each counter. |
SPMonitoredScopeData |
This is basically the data stored in SPMonitoredScope. |
SPPerformanceCategoryDefinition |
Stores information about a set of performance counters in a set categoryand provides methods for normalizing counter information. |
SPULSRetriever |
The utility class to retrieve ULS log |
SPWebFrontEndDiagnosticsPerformanceCounterProvider |
The timer job to collect performance counter on web front ends. |
ThrottledEventLogger |
This class throttles repeated writes of an Event under a particular context to the Windows event log. A specific duration (default 30 seconds) may be associated with an [event, context] pair. Contexts can be any object, but a best practice is to use objects that are not transient. If use of a transient context is unavoidable ensure that it is deleted before going out of scope. |
ULSLogEntry |