Classe RecurrencePattern

Represents the recurrence pattern of a schedule definition.

Spazio dei nomi  ReportService2006
Assembly:  ReportService2006 (in ReportService2006.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class RecurrencePattern
Dim instance As RecurrencePattern
public class RecurrencePattern
public ref class RecurrencePattern
type RecurrencePattern =  class end
public class RecurrencePattern

Nel tipo RecurrencePattern sono esposti i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico RecurrencePattern Initializes a new instance of the RecurrencePattern class.

In alto


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico Equals Ereditato da Object.
Metodo protetto Finalize Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico GetHashCode Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico GetType Ereditato da Object.
Metodo protetto MemberwiseClone Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico ToString Ereditato da Object.

In alto


Use the RecurrencePattern class together with the Item property of the ScheduleDefinition class. You cannot use the RecurrencePattern class directly in your application; instead, you must use one of its derived classes, which are described in the following table.




Represents the interval, in minutes, on which a scheduled report runs.


Represents the interval, in days, on which a scheduled report runs.


Represents the weekly interval and the days of the week on which a scheduled report runs.


Represents the days of the month on which a scheduled report runs.


Represents the day of week, the week number in the month, and the month on which a scheduled report runs.

Protezione dei thread

I membri static (Shared in Visual Basic) pubblici di questo tipo sono affidabili. Non è invece garantita la sicurezza dei membri dell'istanza.

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