DataType (clsColumn)
Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire dalla prossima versione di Microsoft SQL Server. Non utilizzare questa caratteristica in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e modificare non appena possibile le applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.
The DataType property identifies the data type of an object of ClassType clsColumn. This property applies only to columns of SubClassType sbclsRegular.
Data Type
Values for the DataType property are supplied by the Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) DataTypeEnum enumeration constants. For more information, see the ADO documentation.
Setting the DataType Property
The following example adds a new column to a data mining model object. It then sets various properties, including the DataType property.
' Add a new column to the mining model called Unit Sales and relate
' this column to the Sales cube measure of the same name. Set the
' column's data type to Integer, and identify the data content in it as
' being continuous and logarithmically normalized. Finally, identify this
' column as being predictable.
' Assume the existence of a DSO Cube object, dsoCb.
'Add another column to the model.
Set dsoColumn = dsoDmm.Columns.AddNew("Unit Sales")
'Identify this column as being based on the Unit Sales measure.
Set dsoColumn.SourceOlapObject = dsoCb.Measures("Unit Sales")
'Identify the column type.
dsoColumn.DataType = adInteger
'Identify this column's content as being continuous.
dsoColumn.ContentType = "CONTINUOUS"
'Identify the statistical distribution of this data.
dsoColumn.Distribution = "LOG_NORMAL"
'Identify the column as being predictable.
dsoColumn.IsPredictable = True