Metodo Validate

Indicates whether the MiningStructure is properly configured.

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  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico Validate(ValidationErrorCollection) Validates the element to which it is appended; returns any errors encountered in a collection. Ereditato da ModelComponent.
Metodo pubblico Validate(ValidationResultCollection) Ereditato da MajorObject.
Metodo pubblico Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean) Validates the element to which it is appended; returns any errors encountered in a collection. Also contains a parameter to enable return of detailed errors. Ereditato da ModelComponent.
Metodo pubblico Validate(ValidationResultCollection, ValidationOptions) Ereditato da MajorObject.
Metodo pubblico Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean, ServerEdition) Validates the current mining structure and returns a collection of validation errors. Esegue l'override di NamedComponent. . :: . .Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean, ServerEdition).
Metodo pubblico Validate(ValidationResultCollection, ValidationOptions, ServerEdition) Ereditato da MajorObject.

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