Proprietà ConnectionContext

Ottiene i dettagli della connessione al server corrente per l'istanza di SQL Server.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionContext As ServerConnection
Dim instance As Server
Dim value As ServerConnection

value = instance.ConnectionContext
public ServerConnection ConnectionContext { get; }
virtual property ServerConnection^ ConnectionContext {
    ServerConnection^ get () sealed;
abstract ConnectionContext : ServerConnection
override ConnectionContext : ServerConnection
final function get ConnectionContext () : ServerConnection

Valore proprietà

Tipo: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common. . :: . .ServerConnection
Oggetto ServerConnection che specifica i dettagli della connessione corrente all'istanza di SQL Server.


IAlienRoot. . :: . .ConnectionContext


This property can be used to change connection settings, such as the name of the instance of SQL Server or the authentication type. The ConnectionContext property is represented by the ServerConnection class. When connecting to the local instance of SQL Server by using Windows Authentication, the default values are used. You do not have to set any properties.



Server srv = new Server("(local)");
ServerConnection conContext = new ServerConnection();
conContext = srv.ConnectionContext;
conContext.LoginSecure = false;
conContext.Login = vlogin;
conContext.Password = vpassword;
Server srv2 = new Server(conContext);


$srv = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
$conContext = $srv.ConnectionContext
$conContext.LoginSecure = $FALSE
$conContext.Login = vlogin
$conContext.Password = vpassword
$srv2 = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($conContext)