Proprietà Version

Questa API supporta l'infrastruttura .NET Framework e non può essere utilizzato/a direttamente dal codice.

*** Member deprecated; see Remarks. *** For more information, see Task.

Spazio dei nomi:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap (in Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll)


ReadOnly Property Version As Integer
Dim instance As IDTSObjectVersionUpdate100
Dim value As Integer

value = instance.Version
int Version { get; }
property int Version {
    int get ();
abstract Version : int
function get Version () : int

Valore proprietà

Tipo: System. . :: . .Int32



This member will be removed in a future version of MicrosoftSQL Server. Avoid using this member in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this member.