Cube (Decision Support Objects)


  Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire dalla prossima versione di Microsoft SQL Server. Non utilizzare questa caratteristica in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e modificare non appena possibile le applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.

The Cube object in Decision Support Objects (DSO) provides access to cubes, virtual cubes, and linked cubes associated with a database in Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 Analysis Services, supplied by the MDStores collection of the DSO Database object using the MDStore interface. The Cube object uses the MDStore interface, with a ClassType property of clsCube.

The Cube object is used to:

  • Provide access to the commands, data sources, dimensions, measures, partitions, and roles associated with a cube, virtual cube, or linked cube in Analysis Services.

  • Edit the structure of a cube, virtual cube, or linked cube.

  • Process a cube, virtual cube, or linked cube.

  • Manage object locks for a cube, virtual cube, or linked cube.