Classe Cell

Represents a cell in a given cellset. For a complete list of class members, see Cell.

Spazio dei nomi:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class Cell _
    Implements ISubordinateObject
Dim instance As Cell
public sealed class Cell : ISubordinateObject
public ref class Cell sealed : ISubordinateObject
type Cell =  
        interface ISubordinateObject
public final class Cell implements ISubordinateObject


In Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS), a cell represents the unique logical intersection of one position from every axis in the cellset. Because every logical intersection in a cellset may or may not have a corresponding record in a fact table, not every cell in a cellset contains data.

Gerarchia di ereditarietà

System. . :: . .Object

Thread Safety

Tutti i membri pubblici static (Shared in Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono thread safe. I membri di istanza non hanno garanzia di essere thread safe.