Metodo UpdateStatistics

Updates statistics for the table or view.

Elenco di overload

  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico UpdateStatistics() () () () Updates statistics for the table or view.
Metodo pubblico UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType) Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target and the type of scan performed.
Metodo pubblico UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType, Int32) Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target, the type of scan performed, and the sample size.
Metodo pubblico UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType, Int32, Boolean) Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target, the type of scan performed, the sample size, and whether to recompute the statistics.

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