Enumerazione OverwriteDestination

Determines how the WmiDataReaderTask class writes data to the destination specified in Destination.

Spazio dei nomi:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.WmiDataReaderTask
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.WMIDRTask (in Microsoft.SqlServer.WMIDRTask.dll)


Public Enumeration OverwriteDestination
Dim instance As OverwriteDestination
public enum OverwriteDestination
public enum class OverwriteDestination
type OverwriteDestination
public enum OverwriteDestination


Nome membro Descrizione
OverwriteDestination The task overwrites existing data at the specified destination.
AppendToDestination The task appends its results to existing data at the specified destination.
KeepOriginal If data already exists at the specified destination, an error occurs.