Classe ArrayListCollectionBase

The ArrayListCollectionBase object represents a base class that is used in the construction of collections that are based on array lists.

Spazio dei nomi:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public MustInherit Class ArrayListCollectionBase _
    Inherits SmoCollectionBase
Dim instance As ArrayListCollectionBase
public abstract class ArrayListCollectionBase : SmoCollectionBase
public ref class ArrayListCollectionBase abstract : public SmoCollectionBase
type ArrayListCollectionBase =  
        inherit SmoCollectionBase
public abstract class ArrayListCollectionBase extends SmoCollectionBase

Thread Safety

Tutti i membri pubblici static (Shared in Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono thread safe. I membri di istanza non hanno garanzia di essere thread safe.