Proprietà CatalogItem.CreationDate

Gets the date and time that the item was added to the SharePoint library.

Spazio dei nomi  ReportService2006
Assembly:  ReportService2006 (in ReportService2006.dll)


Public Property CreationDate As DateTime 
Dim instance As CatalogItem 
Dim value As DateTime 

value = instance.CreationDate

instance.CreationDate = value
public DateTime CreationDate { get; set; }
property DateTime CreationDate {
    DateTime get ();
    void set (DateTime value);
member CreationDate : DateTime with get, set
function get CreationDate () : DateTime 
function set CreationDate (value : DateTime)

Valore proprietà

Tipo: System.DateTime
A System.DateTime value that contains the date and time that the item was added to the SharePoint library.


The value is stored as the local time of the computer that the report server is running on. All date and time information is formatted according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8601 standard.

The value for the CreationDate property has a corresponding CreationDateSpecified property that indicates whether this property should be omitted from the Web service call.

For more information about omitting properties, see Omissione di valori per gli oggetti del servizio Web facoltativi.

Vedere anche


CatalogItem Classe

Spazio dei nomi ReportService2006