Proprietà IDTSComponentMetaData100.Version

Gets or sets the version of the component.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap (in Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap.dll)


Property Version As Integer 
Dim instance As IDTSComponentMetaData100 
Dim value As Integer 

value = instance.Version

instance.Version = value
int Version { get; set; }
property int Version {
    int get ();
    void set (int value);
abstract Version : int with get, set
function get Version () : int 
function set Version (value : int)

Valore proprietà

Tipo: System.Int32
The version number of the component.


When a component is loaded, the version stored in the package XML is checked against the version specified by the component on the computer. If the version on the local computer is later, the PerformUpgrade method is called on the component.

Vedere anche


IDTSComponentMetaData100 Interfaccia

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper