Metodo IDTSPersist100.SaveToXML

Questa API supporta l'infrastruttura SQL Server 2012 e non può essere utilizzata direttamente dal codice.

Saves information to an XML document. For more information, see IDTSPersist.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap (in Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll)


Sub SaveToXML ( _
    pDoc As Object, _
    pNode As Object, _
    pEvents As IDTSEvents100 _
Dim instance As IDTSPersist100 
Dim pDoc As Object 
Dim pNode As Object 
Dim pEvents As IDTSEvents100

instance.SaveToXML(pDoc, pNode, pEvents)
void SaveToXML(
    Object pDoc,
    Object pNode,
    IDTSEvents100 pEvents
void SaveToXML(
    [InAttribute] Object^ pDoc, 
    [InAttribute] Object^ pNode, 
    [InAttribute] IDTSEvents100^ pEvents
abstract SaveToXML : 
        pDoc:Object * 
        pNode:Object * 
        pEvents:IDTSEvents100 -> unit
function SaveToXML(
    pDoc : Object, 
    pNode : Object, 
    pEvents : IDTSEvents100


  • pDoc
    Tipo: System.Object
    The XML document to which to save the information.
  • pNode
    Tipo: System.Object
    The node in the above document to which to save the information.

Vedere anche


IDTSPersist100 Interfaccia

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper