Metodo IDTSApplication100.GetPackageInfos

Questa API supporta l'infrastruttura SQL Server 2012 e non può essere utilizzata direttamente dal codice.

Gets a IDTSPackageInfos100 collection that contains the packages stored in an instance of SQL Server, within the specified logical folder, by using the server name, user name, and password.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap (in Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll)


Function GetPackageInfos ( _
    bstrPackageFolder As String, _
    bstrServerName As String, _
    bstrServerUserName As String, _
    bstrServerPassword As String _
) As IDTSPackageInfos100
Dim instance As IDTSApplication100 
Dim bstrPackageFolder As String 
Dim bstrServerName As String 
Dim bstrServerUserName As String 
Dim bstrServerPassword As String 
Dim returnValue As IDTSPackageInfos100 

returnValue = instance.GetPackageInfos(bstrPackageFolder, _
    bstrServerName, bstrServerUserName, _
IDTSPackageInfos100 GetPackageInfos(
    string bstrPackageFolder,
    string bstrServerName,
    string bstrServerUserName,
    string bstrServerPassword
IDTSPackageInfos100^ GetPackageInfos(
    [InAttribute] String^ bstrPackageFolder, 
    [InAttribute] String^ bstrServerName, 
    [InAttribute] String^ bstrServerUserName, 
    [InAttribute] String^ bstrServerPassword
abstract GetPackageInfos : 
        bstrPackageFolder:string * 
        bstrServerName:string * 
        bstrServerUserName:string * 
        bstrServerPassword:string -> IDTSPackageInfos100
function GetPackageInfos(
    bstrPackageFolder : String, 
    bstrServerName : String, 
    bstrServerUserName : String, 
    bstrServerPassword : String
) : IDTSPackageInfos100


  • bstrPackageFolder
    Tipo: System.String
    The logical folder that contains the packages you want to enumerate.
  • bstrServerName
    Tipo: System.String
    The name of the SQL Server instance where the packages reside.
  • bstrServerUserName
    Tipo: System.String
    The account name used to log on to the instance of SQL Server, if you need to log in to SQL Server using standard authentication. If you are using Windows Authentication, use nullriferimento Null (Nothing in Visual Basic)..
  • bstrServerPassword
    Tipo: System.String
    The password of the user account, if you need to log in to SQL Server using standard authentication. If you are using Windows Authentication, use nullriferimento Null (Nothing in Visual Basic)..

Valore restituito

Tipo: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSPackageInfos100
A IDTSPackageInfos100 collection that contains IDTSPackageInfo100 objects.

Vedere anche


IDTSApplication100 Interfaccia

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper