Metodo ReportingService2005.GetRenderResource

Returns the resource for a specified rendering extension format.

Spazio dei nomi  ReportService2005
Assembly:  ReportService2005 (in ReportService2005.dll)


Public Function GetRenderResource ( _
    Format As String, _
    DeviceInfo As String, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef MimeType As String _
) As Byte()
Dim instance As ReportingService2005 
Dim Format As String 
Dim DeviceInfo As String 
Dim MimeType As String 
Dim returnValue As Byte()

returnValue = instance.GetRenderResource(Format, _
    DeviceInfo, MimeType)
public byte[] GetRenderResource(
    string Format,
    string DeviceInfo,
    out string MimeType
array<unsigned char>^ GetRenderResource(
    String^ Format, 
    String^ DeviceInfo, 
    [OutAttribute] String^% MimeType
member GetRenderResource : 
        Format:string * 
        DeviceInfo:string * 
        MimeType:string byref -> byte[] 
public function GetRenderResource(
    Format : String, 
    DeviceInfo : String, 
    MimeType : String
) : byte[]


  • Format
    Tipo: System.String
    The format of the rendering extension for which to retrieve the resource (HTML4.0, XML, IMAGE, and so on). For a list of available rendering extensions, use the ListExtensions method.
  • DeviceInfo
    Tipo: System.String
    The device-specific settings used by the rendering extension.
  • MimeType
    Tipo: System.String%
    [out] The MIME type of the resource.

Valore restituito

Tipo: array<System.Byte[]
The rendering extension resource as a Base 64-encoded byte array. For more information about this data type, see "Byte Structure" in the Microsoft .NET Framework documentation.


The table below shows header and permissions information on this operation.

SOAP Headers

(Out) ServerInfoHeaderValue

Required Permissions


An example of a rendering resource that is returned by the GetRenderResource method is the plus (+) image, which is used to expand groups in the HTML rendering extension. The resource that the method returns depends on the DeviceInfo parameter that is supplied. For more information about device information settings for rendering extensions, see Passaggio delle impostazioni relative alle informazioni sul dispositivo alle estensioni per il rendering.

Vedere anche


ReportingService2005 Classe

Spazio dei nomi ReportService2005