Enumerazione DrillthroughType

Specifies the type of drillthrough report.

Spazio dei nomi  ReportService2005
Assembly:  ReportService2005 (in ReportService2005.dll)


Public Enumeration DrillthroughType
Dim instance As DrillthroughType
public enum DrillthroughType
public enum class DrillthroughType
type DrillthroughType
public enum DrillthroughType


Nome membro Descrizione
Detail The drill-through item is a detail report. A detail report shows a single instance of an entity.
List The drill-through item is a list report. A list report shows a list of multiple instances of the entity.


The DrillthroughType enumerator is used with the ModelDrillthroughReport class to specify the type of the drill-through report.

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Spazio dei nomi ReportService2005