Classe BrokerPriority

The BrokerPriority object represents a priority level and the set of criteria for determining which Service Broker conversations to assign the priority level.

Gerarchia di ereditarietà


Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<TypeConverterAttribute(GetType(LocalizableTypeConverter))> _
<EvaluationModeAttribute(AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)> _
<PhysicalFacetAttribute> _
<LocalizedPropertyResourcesAttribute("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker.BrokerLocalizableResources",  _
    True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class BrokerPriority _
    Inherits BrokerObjectBase _
    Implements IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, IDroppable,  _
Dim instance As BrokerPriority
public sealed class BrokerPriority : BrokerObjectBase, 
    IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, IDroppable, IScriptable
public ref class BrokerPriority sealed : public BrokerObjectBase, 
    IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, IDroppable, IScriptable
type BrokerPriority =  
        inherit BrokerObjectBase 
        interface IObjectPermission 
        interface ICreatable 
        interface IAlterable 
        interface IDroppable 
        interface IScriptable 
public final class BrokerPriority extends BrokerObjectBase implements IObjectPermission, ICreatable, IAlterable, IDroppable, IScriptable

Nel tipo BrokerPriority sono esposti i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico BrokerPriority() Initializes a new instance of the BrokerPriority class.
Metodo pubblico BrokerPriority(ServiceBroker, String) Initializes a new instance of the BrokerPriority class on the specified implementation of Service Broker and with the specified name.

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  Nome Descrizione
Proprietà pubblica ContractName Gets or sets the contract name specified for the BrokerPriority object.
Proprietà pubblica ID Gets the conversation priority ID associated with the BrokerPriority object.
Proprietà pubblica LocalServiceName Gets or sets the local service name associated with the BrokerPriority object.
Proprietà pubblica Name Gets or sets the name of the object. Ereditato da BrokerObjectBase.
Proprietà pubblica Parent Gets or sets the ServiceBroker object that is the parent of the BrokerPriority object
Proprietà pubblica PriorityLevel Gets or sets the priority level associated with the BrokerPriority object.
Proprietà pubblica Properties Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Proprietà pubblica RemoteServiceName Gets or sets the remote service name associated with the BrokerPriority object.
Proprietà pubblica State Gets the state of the referenced object. Ereditato da SmoObjectBase.
Proprietà pubblica Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Proprietà pubblica UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. Ereditato da SmoObjectBase.

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  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico Alter Updates a conversation priority in an instance of SQL Server with any property changes made in the specified BrokerPriority object.
Metodo pubblico Create Creates a conversation priority on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server as defined by the BrokerPriority object.
Metodo pubblico Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Denies access to the specified permission for the specified grantees on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[]) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Denies access to the specified permission for the specified grantees on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Denies access to the specified permission for the specified grantee and other users that the grantee granted access to on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Deny(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Denies access to the specified permission for the specified grantee and other users that the grantee granted access to on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Discover Discovers a list of type Object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo pubblico Drop Removes the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico EnumObjectPermissions() This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Enumerates a list of object permissions for the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico EnumObjectPermissions(String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico EnumObjectPermissions(ObjectPermissionSet) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified permission on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico EnumObjectPermissions(String, ObjectPermissionSet) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Enumerates a list of object permissions for a specified grantee and a specified permission on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Equals Ereditato da Object.
Metodo protetto FormatSqlVariant Formats an object as SqlVariant type. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto GetContextDB Gets the context database that is associated with this object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto GetDBName Returns the name of the database on which the instance of Service Broker is implemented. Ereditato da BrokerObjectBase.
Metodo pubblico GetHashCode Ereditato da Object.
Metodo protetto GetPropValue Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto GetPropValueOptional Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull Gets a property value of the SqlSmoObject object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto GetServerObject Gets the server of the SqlSmoObject object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo pubblico GetType Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Grants access to the specified permission for the specified grantees on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[]) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Grants access to the specified permission for the specified grantees on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Grants access to the specified permission and the ability to grant access to other users for the specified grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Grants access to the specified permission and the ability to grant access to other users for the specified grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Grants access to the specified permission and the ability to grant access to other users for the specified grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Grants access to the specified permission and the ability to grant access to other users for the specified grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Initialize() Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo pubblico Initialize(Boolean) Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto IsObjectInitialized Verifies whether the object has been initialized. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo protetto IsObjectInSpace Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo pubblico Refresh Refreshes the script name. Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase.
Metodo pubblico Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[]) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the conversation priority.
Metodo pubblico Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean, Boolean) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the conversation priority and any other users to whom the grantee has granted access. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke other users' access.
Metodo pubblico Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the conversation priority and any other users to whom the grantee has granted access. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke other users' access.
Metodo pubblico Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, String, Boolean, Boolean, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the conversation priority and any other users to whom the grantee has granted access. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke other users' access.
Metodo pubblico Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean, String) This method will be removed in a future version of the product.Revokes previously granted permissions from a grantee on the conversation priority and any other users to whom the grantee has granted access. The grantee is also given the ability to revoke other users' access.
Metodo pubblico Script() Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the Service Broker object. Ereditato da BrokerObjectBase.
Metodo pubblico Script(ScriptingOptions) Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the SQL Server Agent alert as specified by the scripting options. Ereditato da BrokerObjectBase.
Metodo protetto SetParentImpl Sets the parent of the SqlSmoObject to the newParent parameter. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo pubblico ToString Returns a String that represents the referenced object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Metodo pubblico Validate Validates the state of an object. Ereditato da SmoObjectBase.

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  Nome Descrizione
Evento pubblico PropertyChanged Represents the event that occurs when a property is changed. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Evento pubblico PropertyMetadataChanged Represents the event that occurs when property metadata changes. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.

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Implementazioni esplicite dell'interfaccia

  Nome Descrizione
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.Discover Discovers any dependencies. Non fare riferimento direttamente a questo membro nel codice. Supporta l'infrastruttura di SQL Server. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.GetDomainRoot Returns the root of the domain. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.GetParent Gets the parent of this object. Non fare riferimento direttamente a questo membro nel codice. Supporta l'infrastruttura di SQL Server. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.GetPropertyType Gets the type of the specified property. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.GetPropertyValue Gets the value of the specified property. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.GetUrn Gets the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. Non fare riferimento direttamente a questo membro nel codice. Supporta l'infrastruttura di SQL Server. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.Resolve Gets the instance that contains the information about the object from the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.SetObjectState Sets the object state to the specified SfcObjectState value. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato IAlienObject.SetPropertyValue Sets the property value. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.
Implementazione esplicita dell'interfacciaMetodo privato ISfcPropertyProvider.GetPropertySet Gets the interface reference to the set of properties of this object. Ereditato da SqlSmoObject.

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To get BrokerPriority object properties, users can be a member of the public fixed server role.

To set BrokerPriority object properties, users must be a member of the db_ddladmin or db_owner fixed database roles, or be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. The user also requires ALTER permission on the database.

To create a conversation priority, users must be a member of the db_ddladmin or db_owner fixed database roles, or be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. The user also requires ALTER permission on the database.

To drop a conversation priority, users must be a member of the db_ddladmin or db_owner fixed database roles, or be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. The user also requires ALTER permission on the database.

Nota di attenzioneAttenzione

In a future release of SQL Server, BrokerPriority will no longer implement IObjectPermission.

Thread Safety

Tutti i membri statici pubblici (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono sicuri per le operazioni a thread multipli. Non è invece garantita la sicurezza dei membri dell'istanza.



Protezione dei thread

I membri static (Shared in Visual Basic) pubblici di questo tipo sono affidabili. Non è invece garantita la sicurezza dei membri dell'istanza.

Vedere anche


Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker

Altre risorse

Priorità di conversazione

Gestione delle priorità di conversazione

Risoluzione dei problemi relativi alle priorità di conversazione

Sviluppo (Service Broker)

Panoramica (Service Broker)