Operatore CollectionItem.Key.Inequality (CollectionItem.Key, CollectionItem.Key)

Does a boolean inequality comparision between the left hand side of the key and the right hand side of the key.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector.dll)


Public Shared Operator <> ( _
    lhs As CollectionItem.Key, _
    rhs As CollectionItem.Key _
) As Boolean
Dim lhs As CollectionItem.Key 
Dim rhs As CollectionItem.Key 
Dim returnValue As Boolean 

returnValue = (lhs <> rhs)
public static bool operator !=(
    CollectionItem.Key lhs,
    CollectionItem.Key rhs
static bool operator !=(
    CollectionItem.Key^ lhs, 
    CollectionItem.Key^ rhs
static let inline(<>)
        lhs:CollectionItem.Key * 
        rhs:CollectionItem.Key  : bool
JScript supporta l'utilizzo di operatori di overload , ma non la dichiarazione di nuovi operatori.


Valore restituito

Tipo: System.Boolean

A Boolean value that returns TRUE when:

  • one side is NULL OR lhs is a not key OR rhs is not a key AND the keys are not equal


This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Vedere anche


CollectionItem.Key Classe

Overload Inequality

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector