Proprietà MapMarkerImage.Value

Gets or sets the image data.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlObjectModel
Assembly:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls (in Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls.dll)


Public Property Value As ReportExpression 
Dim instance As MapMarkerImage 
Dim value As ReportExpression 

value = instance.Value

instance.Value = value
public ReportExpression Value { get; set; }
property ReportExpression Value {
    ReportExpression get ();
    void set (ReportExpression value);
member Value : ReportExpression with get, set
function get Value () : ReportExpression 
function set Value (value : ReportExpression)

Valore proprietà

Tipo: Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlObjectModel.ReportExpression
A ReportExpression object.


This property depends on the peer Source property.

If the value of Source is External, the value of this property must be nullriferimento Null (Nothing in Visual Basic)., a string constant value, or an expression that evaluates to the location of an image.

If the value of Source is Embedded, the value of this property must be nullriferimento Null (Nothing in Visual Basic)., a string constant value, or an expression that evaluates to the name of an EmbeddedImage instance in the report object model.

If the value of Source is Database, the value of this property must be nullriferimento Null (Nothing in Visual Basic)., a string constant value, or an expression that evaluates to the binary data for an image.

Vedere anche


MapMarkerImage Classe

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlObjectModel