Metodo Member.GetChildren

Include i membri protetti
Include i membri ereditati

Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of child members for the Member.

Questo membro è sottoposto a overload. Per informazioni complete su questo membro, inclusi sintassi, utilizzo ed esempi, fare clic su un nome nell'elenco di overload.

Elenco degli overload

  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico GetChildren() Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of child members for the Member.
Metodo pubblico GetChildren(Int64, Int64) Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of child members for the Member. The returned object contains up to count members, and begins at the position indicated by start.
Metodo pubblico GetChildren(Int64, Int64, array<MemberFilter[]) Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of child members for the Member. The returned object contains up to count members, begins at the position indicated by the start parameter, and is filtered by the filters parameters.
Metodo pubblico GetChildren(Int64, Int64, array<String[], array<MemberFilter[]) Returns a MemberCollection that contains a collection of child members for the Member. The returned object contains up to count members, begins at the position indicated by the start parameter, and is filtered by the filters parameters. Each member caches the properties indicated by the Array passed into the properties parameter. Note   For performance reasons, this overload should be used only if non-default member properties are needed. Default member properties include Name, UniqueName, Caption, ChildCount, Description, LevelDepth, LevelName, Parent, ParentLevel, and Type.

In alto

Vedere anche


Member Classe

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient