Proprietà MiningStructureCollection.Enumerator.Current

Gets the current MiningStructure in the MiningStructureCollection.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer
Assembly:  msmgdsrv (in msmgdsrv.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property Current As MiningStructure 
Dim instance As MiningStructureCollection.Enumerator 
Dim value As MiningStructure 

value = instance.Current
public MiningStructure Current { get; }
virtual property MiningStructure^ Current {
    MiningStructure^ get () sealed;
abstract Current : MiningStructure 
override Current : MiningStructure
final function get Current () : MiningStructure

Valore proprietà

Tipo: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer.MiningStructure
The MiningStructure in the MiningStructureCollection, if the Enumerator has not passed the end of the collection.


Eccezione Condizione

The Enumerator is currently before the first or after the last MiningStructure in the MiningStructureCollection. For more information about this exception, see InvalidOperationException Class.


After creating an Enumerator or after a Reset, MoveNext must be called to advance the Enumerator to the first element of the collection before reading the value of Curren. Otherwise, Current is undefined.

Vedere anche


MiningStructureCollection.Enumerator Classe

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer