Proprietà HttpClientConnection.ProxyBypassList

Gets or sets the addresses that do not use a proxy server.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (in Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll)


Public Property ProxyBypassList As String()
Dim instance As HttpClientConnection 
Dim value As String()

value = instance.ProxyBypassList

instance.ProxyBypassList = value
public string[] ProxyBypassList { get; set; }
property array<String^>^ ProxyBypassList {
    array<String^>^ get ();
    void set (array<String^>^ value);
member ProxyBypassList : string[] with get, set
function get ProxyBypassList () : String[]
function set ProxyBypassList (value : String[])

Valore proprietà

Tipo: array<System.String[]
An array of addresses that do not use the proxy server.


The following code example creates an HttpClientConnection, then sets the properties. The value of the properties requires replacement with values that are valid for your application.

string[] byPassList = { "http://myserver", "http://companysite" };
Package pkg = new Package();
ConnectionManager httpConn = pkg.Connections.Add("HTTP");
HttpClientConnection clientConn = new HttpClientConnection(httpConn.AcquireConnection(null));
clientConn.ChunkSize = 5;  // Default is 1.
clientConn.ProxyBypassList = byPassList;
clientConn.Timeout = 60;  // Default is 30.
clientConn.UseSecureConnection = false;

// When UseServerCredentials is true, provide Domain and Password.
clientConn.UseServerCredentials = true;
clientConn.ServerDomain = "serverLogOnDomain";
clientConn.ServerUserName = "serversUserName";
clientConn.ServerPassword = "serverPasswd"; // Write-only property.

// When UseProxyCredentials is true, provide Domain and Password.
clientConn.UseProxyCredentials = true;
clientConn.ProxyDomain = "myDomain";
clientConn.ProxyPassword = "proxyPassword";
Dim byPassList() As String = {"http://myserver", "http://companysite"}

Dim pkg As Package =  New Package() 
Dim httpConn As ConnectionManager =  pkg.Connections.Add("HTTP") 
Dim clientConn As HttpClientConnection =  New HttpClientConnection(httpConn.AcquireConnection(Nothing)) 
clientConn.ChunkSize = 5  ' Default is 1.
clientConn.ProxyBypassList = byPassList
clientConn.Timeout = 60  ' Default is 30.
clientConn.UseSecureConnection = False
' When UseServerCredentials is true, provide Domain and Password.
clientConn.UseServerCredentials = True
clientConn.ServerDomain = "serverLogOnDomain"
clientConn.ServerUserName = "serversUserName"
clientConn.ServerPassword = "serverPasswd" ' Write-only property.
' When UseProxyCredentials is true, provide Domain and Password.
clientConn.UseProxyCredentials = True
clientConn.ProxyDomain = "myDomain"
clientConn.ProxyPassword = "proxyPassword"

Vedere anche


HttpClientConnection Classe

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime