Metodo ServiceQueue.Revoke (ObjectPermissionSet, array<String , Boolean, Boolean)

Revokes previously granted permissions from grantees on the service queue and any other users to whom the grantees have granted access. The grantees are also given the ability to revoke other users' access.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Sub Revoke ( _
    permission As ObjectPermissionSet, _
    granteeNames As String(), _
    revokeGrant As Boolean, _
    cascade As Boolean _
Dim instance As ServiceQueue 
Dim permission As ObjectPermissionSet 
Dim granteeNames As String()
Dim revokeGrant As Boolean 
Dim cascade As Boolean

instance.Revoke(permission, granteeNames, _
    revokeGrant, cascade)
public void Revoke(
    ObjectPermissionSet permission,
    string[] granteeNames,
    bool revokeGrant,
    bool cascade
virtual void Revoke(
    ObjectPermissionSet^ permission, 
    array<String^>^ granteeNames, 
    bool revokeGrant, 
    bool cascade
) sealed
abstract Revoke : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeNames:string[] * 
        revokeGrant:bool * 
        cascade:bool -> unit  
override Revoke : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeNames:string[] * 
        revokeGrant:bool * 
        cascade:bool -> unit
public final function Revoke(
    permission : ObjectPermissionSet, 
    granteeNames : String[], 
    revokeGrant : boolean, 
    cascade : boolean


  • granteeNames
    Tipo: array<System.String[]
    A String array that specifies a list of grantees to be revoked access to the permission.
  • revokeGrant
    Tipo: System.Boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether the grantee is given the ability to revoke access from the ServiceQueue object for other users.If True, the grantee is given the ability to revoke other users' access from the service queue.If False, the grantee is not given the ability to revoke other users' access from the service queue.
  • cascade
    Tipo: System.Boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether users who the grantee has granted access to the permission are also revoked access from the permission.If True, the grantee and users to which the grantee granted access to the permission are all revoked access from the permission.If False, only the grantee is revoked access from the permission.


IObjectPermission.Revoke(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean, Boolean)


Concessione, revoca e negazione delle autorizzazioni

Vedere anche


ServiceQueue Classe

Overload Revoke

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Broker

Altre risorse

Sviluppo (Service Broker)

Gestione di Service Broker

Panoramica (Service Broker)