Proprietà ExecuteProcess.RequireFullFileName

Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the full name and extension of the task is required.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteProcess
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ExecProcTask (in Microsoft.SqlServer.ExecProcTask.dll)


Public Property RequireFullFileName As Boolean 
Dim instance As ExecuteProcess 
Dim value As Boolean 

value = instance.RequireFullFileName

instance.RequireFullFileName = value
public bool RequireFullFileName { get; set; }
virtual property bool RequireFullFileName {
    bool get () sealed;
    void set (bool value) sealed;
abstract RequireFullFileName : bool with get, set 
override RequireFullFileName : bool with get, set
final function get RequireFullFileName () : boolean 
final function set RequireFullFileName (value : boolean)

Valore proprietà

Tipo: System.Boolean
true if the full name and extension of the task is required. If set to true, the task should fail when the full file name for the executable cannot be found. Default value is true.




This Boolean, when set to true, requires that the user enter a file name and the file extension so that the Execute Process task explicitly knows what file name to run. For example, if this property is set to false, then the user can enter ipconfig instead of ipconfig.exe. Note, however, that if this property is set to false, and there are two files with the same name that have different extensions, the task runs the first file it finds with the designated name, regardless of extension.

Vedere anche


ExecuteProcess Classe

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteProcess