Metodo StoredProcedure.Grant (ObjectPermissionSet, array<String , Boolean)

Grants access to the specified permission to the grantees and the ability to grant access to other users on the stored procedure.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Sub Grant ( _
    permission As ObjectPermissionSet, _
    granteeNames As String(), _
    grantGrant As Boolean _
Dim instance As StoredProcedure 
Dim permission As ObjectPermissionSet 
Dim granteeNames As String()
Dim grantGrant As Boolean

instance.Grant(permission, granteeNames, _
public void Grant(
    ObjectPermissionSet permission,
    string[] granteeNames,
    bool grantGrant
virtual void Grant(
    ObjectPermissionSet^ permission, 
    array<String^>^ granteeNames, 
    bool grantGrant
) sealed
abstract Grant : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeNames:string[] * 
        grantGrant:bool -> unit  
override Grant : 
        permission:ObjectPermissionSet * 
        granteeNames:string[] * 
        grantGrant:bool -> unit
public final function Grant(
    permission : ObjectPermissionSet, 
    granteeNames : String[], 
    grantGrant : boolean


  • granteeNames
    Tipo: array<System.String[]
    A String array that specifies a list of grantees to be denied access to the set of permissions.
  • grantGrant
    Tipo: System.Boolean
    A Boolean property that specifies whether the grantee is given the ability to grant the specified set of permissions to other users on the stored procedure. If True, the grantee is given the ability to grant the specified set of permissions to other users on the stored procedure.If False, the grantee is not given the ability to grant the specified set of permissions to other users on the stored procedure.


IObjectPermission.Grant(ObjectPermissionSet, array<String[], Boolean)


Concessione, revoca e negazione delle autorizzazioni

Vedere anche


StoredProcedure Classe

Overload Grant

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

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