Proprietà ConfigProperty.IsDynamic

Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the configuration option is immediately updated or waits until the instance of Microsoft SQL Server is restarted.

Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property IsDynamic As Boolean 
Dim instance As ConfigProperty 
Dim value As Boolean 

value = instance.IsDynamic
public bool IsDynamic { get; }
property bool IsDynamic {
    bool get ();
member IsDynamic : bool
function get IsDynamic () : boolean

Valore proprietà

Tipo: System.Boolean
A Boolean value that specifies whether configuration option is immediately updated or updated when the instance of SQL Server is restarted.If True, the configuration option is dynamic and is updated immediately.If False (default), the configuration option is not dynamic and is updated when the instance of SQL Server is restarted.


Some configuration options are dynamic and the running value is immediately updated when the ConfigValue property is set. The running value can be obtained by retrieving the RunValue property. Other configuration options are not dynamic and the configuration option is updated when the instance of SQL Server is restarted. After setting the ConfigValue property the RunValue property is not updated until after the server is restarted.


Configurazione di SQL Server in SMO

Vedere anche


ConfigProperty Classe

Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

Altre risorse

Opzioni di configurazione del server