Classe Configuration

Represents the Configuration class that contains the configuration information for the instance of SQL Server.

Gerarchia di ereditarietà


Spazio dei nomi  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


Public Class Configuration _
    Inherits ConfigurationBase
Dim instance As Configuration
public class Configuration : ConfigurationBase
public ref class Configuration : public ConfigurationBase
type Configuration =  
        inherit ConfigurationBase 
public class Configuration extends ConfigurationBase

Nel tipo Configuration sono esposti i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Proprietà pubblica AdHocDistributedQueriesEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the ad hoc distributed queries configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica Affinity64IOMask Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the affinity 64 IO mask configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica Affinity64Mask Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the affinity 64 mask configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica AffinityIOMask Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the affinity IO mask configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica AffinityMask Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the affinity mask configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica AgentXPsEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the agent XPs enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica AllowUpdates Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the allow updates configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica AweEnabled Obsoleto. Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the AWE enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica BlockedProcessThreshold Gets the ConfigProperty object that sets the blocked process threshold configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica C2AuditMode Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the C2 audit mode configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica CommonCriteriaComplianceEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the common criteria compliance enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ContainmentEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the CONTAINMENT enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica CostThresholdForParallelism Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the cost threshold for parallelism configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica CrossDBOwnershipChaining Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the cross DB ownership chaining configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica CursorThreshold Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the cursor threshold configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica DatabaseMailEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the database mail enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica DefaultBackupCompression Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the default backup compression configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica DefaultFullTextLanguage Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set default full text language configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica DefaultLanguage Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the default language configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica DefaultTraceEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the default trace enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica DisallowResultsFromTriggers Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the disallow results from triggers configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ExtensibleKeyManagementEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the extensible key management enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FilestreamAccessLevel Gets the ConfigProperty object that sets the FILESTREAM access level configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FillFactor Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the fill factor configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FullTextCrawlBandwidthMax Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the full text crawl bandwith max configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FullTextCrawlBandwidthMin Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the full text crawl bandwith min configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FullTextCrawlRangeMax Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the full text crawl range max configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FullTextNotifyBandwidthMax Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the full text notify bandwith max configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica FullTextNotifyBandwidthMin Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the full text notify bandwith min configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica IndexCreateMemory Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the index create memory configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica InDoubtTransactionResolution Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the in doubt transaction resolution configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica IsSqlClrEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the is SQL Server CLR enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica LightweightPooling Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the lightweight pooling configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica Locks Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the locks configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica MaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the max degree of parallelism configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica MaxServerMemory Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the max server memory configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica MaxWorkerThreads Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the max worker threads configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica MediaRetention Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the media retention configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica MinMemoryPerQuery Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the min memory per query configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica MinServerMemory Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the min server memory configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica NestedTriggers Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the nested triggers configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica NetworkPacketSize Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the network packet size configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica OleAutomationProceduresEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the OLE automation procedures enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica OpenObjects Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the open objects configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica OptimizeAdhocWorkloads Gets the ConfigProperty object that sets the optimize ad hoc workloads configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica Parent Gets the Server object that is the parent of the Configuration object. Ereditato da ConfigurationBase.
Proprietà pubblica PrecomputeRank Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the precompute rank configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica PriorityBoost Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the priority boost configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica Properties Returns a collection of Property objects. The PropertyCollection collection represents the properties of the Configuration object.
Proprietà pubblica ProtocolHandlerTimeout Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the protocol handler timeoutconfiguration option.
Proprietà pubblica QueryGovernorCostLimit Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the query governor cost limit option.
Proprietà pubblica QueryWait Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the query wait configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica RecoveryInterval Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the recovery interval configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica RemoteAccess Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the remote access configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica RemoteDacConnectionsEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the remote DAC connections enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica RemoteLoginTimeout Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the remote login timeout configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica RemoteProcTrans Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the remote proc trans configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica RemoteQueryTimeout Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the remote query timeout configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ReplicationMaxTextSize Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the replication max text size configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ReplicationXPsEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the replication XPs enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ScanForStartupProcedures Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the scan for startup procedures configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ServerTriggerRecursionEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the server trigger recursion enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica SetWorkingSetSize Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the set working set size configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica ShowAdvancedOptions Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the show advanced options configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica SmoAndDmoXPsEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the SMO and DMO XPs enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica SqlMailXPsEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the SQL mail XPs enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica TransformNoiseWords Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the transform noise words configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica TwoDigitYearCutoff Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the two digit year cutoff configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica UserConnections Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the user connections configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica UserInstancesEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the user instances enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica UserInstanceTimeout Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the user instance timeout configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica UserOptions Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the user options configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica WebXPsEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the web XPs enabled configuration option.
Proprietà pubblica XPCmdShellEnabled Gets the ConfigProperty object that is used to set the XP cmd shell enabled configuration option.

In alto


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico Alter() Updates the Configuration object property changes on the instance of SQL Server.  Ereditato da ConfigurationBase.
Metodo pubblico Alter(Boolean) Updates the Configuration object property changes on the instance of SQL Server.  Ereditato da ConfigurationBase.
Metodo pubblico Equals Ereditato da Object.
Metodo protetto Finalize Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico GetHashCode Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico GetType Ereditato da Object.
Metodo protetto MemberwiseClone Ereditato da Object.
Metodo pubblico Refresh Refreshes the Configuration object properties. Ereditato da ConfigurationBase.
Metodo pubblico ToString Ereditato da Object.

In alto


Modifying the Configuration object is equivalent to using the Transact-SQL sp_configure statement.

To get Configuration object properties, users can be a member of the public fixed server role.

Thread Safety

Tutti i membri statici pubblici (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono sicuri per le operazioni a thread multipli. Non è invece garantita la sicurezza dei membri dell'istanza.


Configurazione di SQL Server in SMO

Protezione dei thread

I membri static (Shared in Visual Basic) pubblici di questo tipo sono affidabili. Non è invece garantita la sicurezza dei membri dell'istanza.

Vedere anche


Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

Altre risorse

Configurazione di SQL Server in SMO

sp_configure (Transact-SQL)